Where to put cat litter box in small apartment

Where to put cat litter box in small apartment

In this guide, we’re diving deep into the world of litter box placement and talking about where to put cat litter box in small apartment. From understanding your cat’s needs to assessing your apartment’s layout, we’ve got tips and tricks to help you find a spot that works for everyone. Plus, we’ll explore creative solutions and hacks that blend practicality with aesthetics. By the end of this post, you’ll have a toolkit of ideas for creating a happy home for both you and your feline friend.

Understanding Your Cat’s Needs

Before we jump into the nitty-gritty of finding the perfect spot for your litter box, it’s crucial to consider your cat’s needs. After all, your cat is the primary user of this space, and their comfort and habits should guide your decision.

  • Privacy is Paramount: Cats are naturally private creatures, especially when it comes to their bathroom habits. They prefer a quiet, secluded spot where they can do their business undisturbed. Just like humans, they appreciate a bit of privacy. So, when you’re scouting for locations, keep in mind that high-traffic areas may not be the best choice. Look for corners or spots that offer some shelter from the hustle and bustle of daily life.
  • Easy Accessibility: While privacy is important, accessibility is just as crucial. Your cat needs to be able to reach the litter box easily, at any time of day. This is especially important for older cats or those with mobility issues. Steer clear of spots that require a lot of jumping or maneuvering to get to. Instead, opt for locations that are easy to reach from your cat’s favorite resting or play areas.
  • Cleanliness and Maintenance: Cats are fastidious creatures, and they like their litter box to be clean. A dirty litter box can lead to undesirable behaviors, like inappropriate elimination. So, it’s vital to choose a spot that’s easy for you to clean regularly. Consider how easy it is to scoop and change the litter in the spot you’re considering. An ideal location should allow for quick and hassle-free maintenance, ensuring that your cat always has a fresh place to go.
  • Security and Comfort: Your cat should feel safe and secure in their litter box spot. This means avoiding areas that are prone to sudden loud noises or disturbances. For instance, placing the box near a door that slams or in a laundry room with noisy appliances might make your cat feel uneasy. Instead, opt for a calm environment where your cat feels comfortable. You might also consider adding some soft lighting or using a nightlight if the area is dark.

Where to put cat litter box in small apartment - 4 best places

1. Bathroom Options

Bathrooms are often the go-to choice for litter boxes, and for good reason. They’re easy to clean, have good ventilation, and are typically low-traffic areas. Here are a few bathroom-specific ideas:

  • Under the Sink: If you have space under your bathroom sink, this can be a perfect spot. It’s private, easy to clean, and close to water for quick cleanup. Just make sure the area is well-ventilated to help manage odors.

  • Next to the Toilet:  Placing the litter box next to the toilet is another practical option. It’s easily accessible and keeps everything contained in one area of the apartment. Plus, it’s easy to scoop and clean.

  • Behind a Curtain or Screen: If you have a larger bathroom, consider sectioning off a corner with a curtain or screen. This gives your cat extra privacy and can help keep any mess contained.

2. Closet Corners

Closets can be great spots for litter boxes, provided they’re not too cramped or cluttered. Here’s how to make it work:

  • Low-Traffic Corners: Look for a corner of the closet that isn’t frequently accessed. This ensures your cat has a peaceful spot without being disturbed. You can install a small pet door or keep the closet door ajar to give your cat easy access.

  • Organization and Tidiness: Make sure the closet is organized so the litter box doesn’t get in the way. Consider using shelves or storage bins to maximize space and keep everything tidy.

  • Odor Management: Closets can be prone to odors, so be proactive about managing them. Use a good-quality litter, consider an air purifier, and clean the box regularly to keep smells at bay.
cat litter box

3. Hidden Spaces

Hidden spaces are perfect for maintaining the aesthetics of your apartment while still accommodating a litter box. Let’s explore some clever solutions:

  • Furniture with Dual Purposes: There are many furniture pieces designed to house litter boxes discreetly. These can include benches, cabinets, or end tables with a hidden compartment. They blend seamlessly with your decor and keep the litter box out of sight.

  • DIY Furniture Hacks: Get creative and repurpose old furniture into a litter box enclosure. An old cabinet or TV stand can be converted with a bit of ingenuity. Cut an access hole, add a curtain or door, and voilà – a stylish and functional litter box hideaway.

4. Balcony or Patio (If Available)

If you have outdoor space, like a balcony or patio, this can be an excellent option for the litter box. However, there are a few considerations to keep in mind:

  • Weather Protection: Make sure the litter box is sheltered from the elements. You can use a covered litter box or place it inside a weatherproof enclosure. This ensures your cat stays comfortable and dry.

  • Safety Precautions: Ensure the balcony or patio is secure so your cat can’t escape. Consider using netting or barriers to keep your feline friend safe while they’re outside.
  • Convenience: An outdoor litter box can help with odor control and keep messes out of your living space. Just make sure it’s easy for your cat to access and that you can maintain it regularly.

Final Thoughts on Perfect Placements

Finding the right spot for your cat’s litter box in a small apartment can feel like a daunting task, but with a little creativity and patience, it’s entirely achievable. By understanding your cat’s needs and evaluating your space thoughtfully, you can create a harmonious living environment that works for everyone.


How often should I clean the litter box?

It’s important to scoop the litter box daily to remove waste and keep it clean. In addition, do a full litter change and wash the box at least once a week. Regular cleaning helps prevent odors and ensures your cat has a fresh place to go.

What type of litter is best for odor control?

Clumping litters are often the best choice for odor control, as they make it easy to remove waste. Look for litters specifically designed to minimize odors, and consider adding a small amount of baking soda to the litter to help absorb smells.

How can I encourage my cat to use a new litter box location?

Use positive reinforcement to encourage your cat to use the new location. Offer treats and praise when they use the box in the desired spot. Gradually transition from the old location to the new one, and be patient as your cat adjusts.